This world hates you if you do not serve it. All the systems of this world tend to be against God, against creativity and against life. If you desire to follow God in this world you will be going against the crowd and against world leaders. This does not mean we hate them or even talk bad about them, we just live our lives going in the opposite direction.
The thing or a thing that offends and brings out the hate is "living without systems" and living by relationship. If the world can keep us living by systems than we keep eating from what we know is good and evil. Satan is very skilled at helping us justify all we eat there. If we live by having a real and authentic relationship with God, not even we get to control, rule and dictate.
Presently most of the Spiritual leaders I know trust more in a system then they do in a relationship with God. Even the most basic parts of that relationship, faith, they turn into rules and laws. It is as if they cannot have relationship and fellowship with God and like the people of Israel in the wilderness, just want the rules, let another have a relationship.
I remember why they chose the rules and not the relationship. They were afraid of God and wanted to be distant from Him. Too bad they believed in that false hope. How many of us also love the false hope of our systems, rules and personal theology rather than the voice of God, the leading of the Spirit and the conviction of truth. Better to live by our personal basis of scripture, our self justification of who God is and our selfish revelations of a man centered gospel than to live by obedience to the God who is there.