Thursday, October 30, 2008


If you have ever watched one of the crime scene shows you have observed people who were skilled at acting like people who have the wisdom to solve complicated problems. We as a society entertain ourselves with people who act like other people. That is OK, because it can stir great things in us. It can also stir other things too. We need to know the difference between the actor and the reality. At some point in our lives we must move beyond “acting” in reality.

Knowledge of how to live + skill in living rightly = wise living.

We tend to live in a world where people pretend to know and others pretend to have skill. As believers in Christ Jesus we need to mature in both knowledge and skill. In the past generation we have viewed people who knew about scripture as mature, we did not require them to live what they knew. It is when you know and live well that you enter into the life of maturity.

In Eph 1:17 Paul prays that we would have a “spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him”. Paul understood that we needed skill and ongoing revelation to take the knowledge of God and have it affect our lives and world. Just knowing God is not enough. Satan knows God and it does not result in Godliness, holiness, righteousness or sanctification.

Take the wisdom challenge. Write out one truth you know about God. Now write out 7 ways to live out that truth in everyday living. To see if you are on the right track, see if the perspective is “from above”. God’s wisdom is un-wise by this world’s standard. The book of James will help us see this. Often wisdom is the very opposite of the ways of this world.

Since this is a season of election, you can ponder one thing about the rule and government of God. You may merge the reality of God ruling the nations even if they turn away from Him. What is the result? Not anger or malice! God takes no delight in destroying the wicked. So God’s wisdom leads us to hope and peace in the face of living in a land turning away from God. RE: Check out the China Christian worldview for a picture here.

Well enough said. It is not enough to know. We need to be wise!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Intercessory Prayer Initiative PRAYER ALERT – 10/22/08

If you are an intercessor please take some time and read the letter from Dutch Sheet. If the above link fails, you can find it at

What can you do to change the world? What is God’s calling to His people in this hour?

In Acts 17 we find the story of Iconium, a city that the spreading of the gospel was “not that easy”. Notice that the great and anointed Paul and Barnabus had a few hard places too. You are not the only one that is called to fight against the evil. In this situation racial and religious strife combined with leadership and rulers who were entangled in the conflict between God and anti-god. Men who were the serving the enemy of God stirred up their minds and embittered their spirits to that God’s word, sings and wonders. It was one of those times when the move of God brought as much division as union. People were choosing sides. Emotions were running high.
As you read this passage of Scripture you will observe that this is one of those times when the miracles did not produce a happy ending, not for many years. Barnabus and Paul wanted to make a difference now, but they were willing to pay the price for a life of ministry. In this passage they fled, Paul was stoned and left for dead, and then they later returned and ministered to the disciples that were there. Through years of conflict and turmoil the gospel of the kingdom was presented with power and patience. If we were living in that region at that time we might have called it revival. But we might of also have called it political unrest, religions controversy, false teaching, manipulation and anarchy.
We live in such a time and are in such a conflict. We may long for an immediate solution, nevertheless we should prepare ourselves to pay the full price of a life of ministry. World history and the Bible both teach us that the gospel of the kingdom cannot be stopped as long as the disciples do a few things.
1. Authentic Christian Discipleship. Culture and society is invaded with the gospel of the kingdom when the people of God live authentic Christian lives. By living rightly then effect and influence every area of culture and business. Through community and relationships people witness the power and presence of God in the lives of disciples around them. When the disciples call themselves “Christian” but life just like the world, the power of testimony is lost. When the disciples seek to live in such a way that requires God to be present and visible in their lives, God is faithful to be near then.
2. Dependence on God should increase with maturity not decrease. Just the opposite of being able to handle situations on our own should occur. While from the outside observer it may seem like the mature disciple make more choices bases on personal opinion or responsibility, the reality is that the mature disciple lives a life of ongoing simple devotion to Christ. Their heat is constantly being turned to God, they are seeking direction and guidance moment by moment and have fewer needs to take time out to find God because they live daily life as a seeker.
3. When a group of disciples seek both the power and presence of God, over time they affect culture. The power of God is often described as His outward glory, the signs, wonders and miracles that are fruit of God backing up His disciples. The presence is the power of God working in the inner man, transforming wounded, broken and sinful man into holiness, purity and righteous.
4. Disciples have the privilege to yield every kingdom of their life to the Master. While this smacks against our view of independence, self-reliance and it is also the doorway to never ending fellowship with God. God desires to be with us always. So we can enjoy recreation, entertainment and employment in an atmosphere of fellowship with God. The more we keep kingdoms for ourselves the more we live divided and confused lives. The more we live to glorify God in all we do and think, the more we find peace and power in every area of life.
In our day we can join with God by following a few ideals.
• One Way
• Humble the Heart
• Renewed Mind
• Peaceful Soul
• Industrious Servant
• Obedient Child
• Learning Disciple
• Wounded Healer
• Loving Authority
• Infused Humanity

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Super Message

We live in a world where if you are not "feeling good" and "getting things done" you are not living well. IF you are poor or in pain than something is wrong with you. If you are single, uneducated, driving a bus for a living; then something is wrong. Why didn't you make something out of your life?

The trouble is that most of the things that hinder us, we can't do anything about. Do you remember Hagar in Scripture. She was the slave girl that Abram and Sarah took with them out of Egypt. She didn't ask to be Abram's "second wife". She didn't choose to be rejected for doing what she was asked to do? She didn't choose to have her family hate her son.

So we also, have people come against us for the stuff that happens in our lives. We must walk through the times when people dis-like us for living. When we do we live in the space of SUPER MESSAGE. Be a person who enjoys life and God in spite of all the garbage that others throw your way. Smile in the face of criticism, laugh in the space of rejection. WHY?

Why live in the opposite spirit than the spirit of this world? Why walk by faith that you have significance even if others can not see it? Why believe that you life is more that it's conditions or situations? Because.

Living loved by God in a world that hates God is the greatest thing you can do on the earth. It is the daily worship service that few see, yet the Father always beholds. Those who live like Hagar often receive the blessing of Hagar. Tho they were not the first ones chosen, God sends His angle to them to bless them and favor them because they have lived well and are SUPER MESSAGES. God is not like man, He often loves most what we reject most. The very point where others marginalize you is the point of a Divine Embrace.

The fruit of Hagar's life was "God will hear". You and I also stand in the place where what we do not have but love for becomes the testimony, "God will hear". Never give up on being a Super Messenger. Never stop living the life given to you. Don't sink to being jealous, angry, full of pity or bitter. Carry the cross of being a great one for God and do it well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Need for Authority

Here is my list of “why I need authority”

1. To deliver me from total self righteousness
2. To learn to follow.
3. To learn to love people I don’t want to follow.
4. To learn how not to complain, grumble and do all those things Israel did in the wilderness.
5. To learn what it feels like to be a kid again.
6. To appreciate it when I get my way.
7. To help me see and know things I don’t want to see and know.
8. To develop a pure heart for people I don’t like but must love.
9. To have someone else to blame.
10. So that I enjoy God’s gift to help me mature and develop into Chrtistlikeness.