God desires that we do the right thing. But what is the right thing. How can the human mind be so wise as to know and consider all the external and internal events? How can we know that an action, an expression is what should be done at any given moment?
In His wisdom God made man with the ability to have His Spirit indwell us. We are not alone and we are made to live in fellowship with God. Just as the Father walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, so now He desires to walk and have fellowship with us in our inner man.
The fruit of self-control that comes from the Spirit of God is a growing factor in our life that is the direct result of fellowship with God. This must be actual fellowship and not an elaborate trusting in our self made religion. Deep within us, at the level of our heart and soul we enter into communion with God and allow Him to speak direction, justice and instruction to our lives. And that is what He does naturally as He speaks. He awakes our whole being to His will.
While it is so old, it is also so foundational to the Christian walk, this truth “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done”. The believer who walks in fellowship with God is using the scripture to lead them into a deep personal fellowship with God. We are not just seeking to read and understand the scriptures to make for ourselves a religious order we can live out. We are allowing the truth of scripture to direct our steps to the Father, who in turn indwells us. The difference is as different as in making a meal and eating a meal. One is full of order and discipline, but no life. The other is full of life. We are called to partake, to eat of the Bread of Heaven.
So while right knowledge, good manners, humility and patience are working in and through my character; they are not enough. A believer is more than a good person, they are not even a very good person. What we are is persons filled with the Spirit of God. This Spirit governs our actions and teaches us what right things we should do. We are – followers. Even when we are bad followers, we still are of Christ, if we agree in our heart, ‘not my will but Thin be done”.