How skilled are you at using “busyness” as a tool to hide from a broken relationship with God? I have some great skills here. Doing stuff is a part of serving the Lord. Activity is important to people and the Lord. Those who follow Jesus do the works that He has called them to do. A question that is good to ask every now and again is, “how much of what I do is driven or motivated by my lack of faith in the Lord?” Good questions – right?
At times I think I see (notice how I postured this statement) 10 things done because we think we “ought to do them” for every 1 thing the Lord is asking of us. Now we are free in Christ to do what we want. We are free to give ourselves to the Lord and we are free to fool ourselves. We confess and declare that God is holy and uncreated while we tend to think that God thinks just like we do. In fact we can trap ourselves into thinking that God’s favor or anointing is on us because God thinks the same ways about something as we do. Oooooooops
Have you ever heard, “we don’t need God to tell us what to do, we have the Bible”? If we have the Bible, do we still need the Lord to give us instruction? Ponder that. Do we need God to speak to us personally, specifically? Cannot we read the historical truths about God and determine for ourselves how to act? Or at least can we not read some translation of the historical record of God and then reason out what we are to do. Usually when I find someone who is dogmatic on “just obeying the Bible” they are just as dogmatic on obeying the Bible the way they understand it (which of course is the right way).
Unbelief combined with pride seeks to motivate us to act apart from the living God, even with Bible in hand. We can be pressured to perform deeds that are not in harmony with the will of the Father. Instead of obedience, we use deeds to justify and establish a righteousness apart from God. We do stuff because we are seeking to live Christian more than obey. Instead of trusting Jesus alone for our salvation we do things to prove to ourselves we are true followers of the way.
In my opinion, it is much easier to work for God than to have a relationship with Him. You can give 40, 50 even 80 hours a week to the work of the ministry and yet turn to TV, Media, recreation, music, sex, sports; for your restoration and felt needs. Does having a relationship with God not satisfy the whole being? How many of us, when we are tired and stressed desire to spend time with the Lord to be refreshed? Do we not usually first of all turn to family and an endless list of other things?
I think we act this way mainly because we think God is mainly concerned with what we do for Him, not with Him. Have you ever heard, “if all you are going to do is pray, don’t even pray”? Is that the same as “if you are just going to talk to God, don’t talk to God, he wants you to work for Him not talk to Him”? Sure He wants both, but how are you going to know what to do if you do not know His voice or worse. What if you live your whole life in presumption – acting as if your thoughts about God were the same as God Himself.
OK, so how do I improve?
I think one of the first steps is to be at peace with who you are. You and I are created. We are human. We are needy. We cannot be defensive about this or proud. We must seek daily to live our lives in a place of comfort as we need the Lord to speak, guide, direct and comfort. We need encouragement from the Lord and understanding that need rightly allows us to have a relationship with God that is not based on what we do but based on who He is.
If we take the time required, we will encounter the Lord in a loving way. It may not be a form of love we desire or an expression that wow’s us, but it will be authentic. To enjoy the Lord on this level we must be overcoming a spirit of control. Our inner man knows when we are building an image of God and when we are encountering the authentic God Himself. Our inner man knows when we are pretending to have experiences with God and when we are encountering. We have so much “unreal” because we want to be the master of our own life, even our own life in God. We are quite happy to deceive ourselves about the love of God instead of being humble and persistent about seeking the Lord.
In my experience, which is only one person, I have found the love of God to be like a refreshing breeze more than a driving wind. I can easily neglect it or overlook His love should I be distracted by other things. Beyond my first assumptions I have found the love of God to calm and bring inner peace even while my mind is anxious. I have found love to satisfy inner longing even while the body is crying out for food, heat, relief.
Like the singing of the birds every morning, so too is God’s love. We can hear – but not listen, see but not observe, know about without embracing the sound or reward. Mystical. I can be to busy living to live.