Saturday, May 19, 2007


What if Satan came up with a plan to attack us and ruin our lives? What if that plan was to make us dissatisfied, to make us complain, to make us unhappy in most every area of life? So the evil one might make us complain about the government, our jobs, our mates, our families, our jobs and our churches.
What if "the plan" of the evil one was to make us hard, to have little faith, little hope? What if Satan won a victory over God by making us people who complain, who are critical, who have no hope in mankind or God? In time we might become a society of people who grumble and complain, doing little if anything to make life better. And why should we labor to make things better, someone else or something else will just come along and ruin it!
Maybe we should look at all the sources of our life that bring us messages of dissatisfaction. We should look at what we watch and listen to. We should watch what we read and how we read. We should neglect idle comments, not listen to vain opinions and be careful to examine things to see the truth, the good and the just; not to just fill our mouths with grumbling and complaining.
I just came from a week in the out doors. No matter how stormy it is, nature does not complain. Even when the winds of life break the trees and overrun the streams; you will hear no grumbling remarks from nature. Should not created man take a lesson on life? Have you ever thought of what "life" is? What does it mean to be alive? What is living about? What is it about the very nature of life that should cause rejoicing, hope and value?
In the days past there was a people of God who traveled through the wilderness with God, yet all the time grumbled and complained. Is the church in America just like those people? I hope that I am not.

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