Monday, July 9, 2007

Wisdom from above

Wisdom tells us to pay attention to the way we live. Most of us can labor quite earnestly to be worthy of the Lord, and this is good. Yet we can also keep our mind on things above and trust in the Lord's ability to be Lord.

It is a form of pride to be your own Master. When we are the primary party for our salvation and maturity, the Lord is removed to a place lower than "first" and we most often fill the void we created when we lowered Him.

"Filling", "maturing", "perfecting", "empowering" are just a few of the words describing what God does. He is the "judge" and is full of justice. Yet because He is not a man, He both works on His creation to perfect it, and judges what He has done. It takes God in us to be changed, it is not by human effort or desire.

I trust the Lord to move on my little desires, which He stimulated in the first place, and work in me for His good will. When I find myself alone, isolated, and threatened, I will keep myself under His rule and live as though I cannot do anything apart from Him, yet, in His will and rule, I can do all things.

Christ working in me is more than an idea, it is a reality.

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