Thursday, January 3, 2008

Big Daddy God

One of the basic tenets of the faith is that God is God and we are created beings, made in his image. I think most of us like the “made in His image” part. It sounds important, doesn’t it.

But I have an issue I am concerned about. When the Bible talks about us “in His image created types” is uses words like sheep, children, infants and even new born babes. Whenever I am caught being childish or child like, I seem to get in trouble. It seems few people like my childish behavior.

It seems that what we want are grown up children. But it is this, “grow up and take charge” maturity that rebels against God. I think Satan tries to get us to grow up. You know Satan whispers in our ear that is it time we grow up and mature, develop some ability to stand on our own two legs. Everyone that I know that has grown up and now stands on their own two legs have relegated God to the reference section of their life. They are people who refer to God as some quote or statistic. These mature people occasionally ask God questions when they get stuck or when they think they will look wise by being seen inquiring of God.

But maybe God knows what He is doing. Maybe God calls us kids and childish because that is the highest we can be in relationship to Him. Maybe I don’t want to grow up because I don’t know how? But as long as I am required to live in this world I think I want to have a Big Daddy God. Someone who can handle me, laugh at me and get my attention just by saying my name in the right tone.

Today I was asking God one of those childish questions. God, if Jesus was perfect and did nothing except what He saw the Father doing, why wasn’t His prayer in John 17 answered? You won’t believe the answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When do we get to hear the answer?