Here I set, running a temperature, coughing, ready to spew. Two of my kids are sick also. How we love others when we see them hurting. When you hear those deep painful coughs, it breaks your heart. My son has been talking in the night. His temperature drives him to the point of panic. Sickness is stressing him out.
So what is a Christian to do? I have spent hours in intercession while I lay suffering on my bed. I know I am no where close to Job, but one must wonder at the greatness within a person who can endure suffering and never complain, never doubt, never be shaken.
I just want to offer up a bid Hip Hip Hurray! A cheer for all of God's friend's who go through stuff and make it. Men and women who daily pay a price for emotionally loving God. Well done, suffering child, discouraged teen, wounded man or women. You are the stuff the eternal kingdom is made of. People hidden from greatness by the nobility that they carry in simple love. People who are unshakable in Christ. People who are living as light to the rest of us.
When the time of trouble comes to this earth, I want to be on the run with one of them, someone who knows how to make it through, someone who can endure until the end. In the day to trouble I want someone beside me who knows how to suck it up and requires that I do the same. Mercy Lord, mercy and endurance.
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