Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The place called “Peace with God”

There is a place, it is just like a location, that I call the place of peace in God. This place has substance, it takes up space, although that space may not be what we call space. Yet then again what we call space is mainly empty, as in outer space is mostly the void between things. And maybe the place of peace with God is like that, in that He fills the gap. It is like the often quoted verse about God being in the midst of the two or three people gathered in His name. God comes and is between those who gather in His name (in our midst), this provides us what we need in addition to God in us, God between us. But that is another blog.
The dwelling that is “Peace with God” can be entered into. It becomes real to the open hearted. To all who enter this place, a lightness, a glory that comes down and then lifts up, manifests. The human heart is warmed, encourages and satisfied. This has little to do with your morality or maturity. It does affect them in that you have a stronger desire to be mature and moral. You want to be more like Him. Yet being in the place of peace is not obtained through merit. The space is a part of God’s nature and exist no matter what we do or what we are like. It is a part of His loving-kindness to all generations.
Let me try to be honest, the type of honesty that causes discomfort. This “free to all” peace is entered into at a great cost. I could go into a lot of details, but let me simply say that the cost of peace is rejection. Sound to cool to be true, I know. Not what you expected to hear?
The “cost of rejection” is not a price to be paid to enter, but the price to be paid for entering. It is like you get in for free, but being there cost you something, and what the peace with God cost you is rejection from the world. People, all sorts of people, good Christian people will reject you. The church is full of people, just like worldly people, who want you to be a christen as long as it serves them. But if you enter into a place where then cannot manipulate you, lay a guilt trip on you, control you; then they do not like you being in that place. They will call “peace with God” of the Devil.
Jesus told us that if they accused Him, they would accuse us.
The cost is also the easiest method of entrance. Easy being “straightforward”, “unproblematic” not easy as in, “easy”. If you will except rejection without trying to defend yourself, without arguing in your mind, without holding onto thoughts of self-justification and self-worth; you will be at the threshold of a new and amazing place. Once at the door give no thought, literally, to anyone else but God. Even if it is just for a “half moment” be in that place with Him alone. In time the amount of time you have in the place will grow as discipline works in you so that you can share in His holiness.
Oh, sharing the holiness of God. That is amazing. It is like flying through a verity of storms and weather formations, only each one refreshes and encourages. It is like ……
But first let the Peace of God dwell in you fully.

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