Sunday, March 1, 2009

What I like about those who do not like me!

Most of us have people who just do not like us. Many times these people have never met us. They know us through our opinions, beliefs or ideas shared through other people. They read something we wrote or overheard some comments and form ideas of us. As you can tell this is somewhat of an inconvenience or negative situation, but it does happen, everyday.

So what do we do now?

The first thing I want to do is love them for their zeal. Thank God for people with life and zeal. I have been zealously attacked (just like all of us) by people and find that I like their passion.

Secondly I like their boldness and desire to get things right, to fix the wrong, to show the truth to those in need. Don't read that above statement with sarcasm, it is not meant that way. People who love the truth are people who hold a character that I like. God has justice and righteousness as the foundation of His throne and we need both ourselves.

The third thing I like is that those who do not like me work good in my life. God uses them to make me a better me. All the thoughts, issues, things that I must work through by all the different levels of "un-liking" somehow make me better.

The fourth thing is that "un-like" brings some flavor into life. It mixes the pot of everydayism and stirs up the ingredients of life so that there is interaction, evaluation and just a good old "heating up". The pot gets stirred even more when the judgments are weak, wrong, a directer reaction out of the insecurity of others or just a plain lie.

So as you go through life here on earth, enjoy the "un-liking" as much as you can. Don't let the weight of trying to be loved by everyone be a daily burden. Yoke yourself with Christ Jesus and know that if people rejected, disliked, criticized, mocked, persecuted, make fun of, called stupid and blamed wrongly the perfect Son of God, you too are going to un-please them.

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