Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Who will fight for us?

In 1 Sam. 8 the people encounter the "bad sons" of Samuel the prophet. His sons took after the sons of Eli and were dishonest, accepted bribes and perverted justice. I am amazed at how this very thing is in the church, but we do not address it. It is like corrupt leadership is OK if it is done with Godly intentions. But that is another issue.

Bad leaders results in people asking for someone to be in charge. It can happen at Walmart or the United Nations, but when things go bad we want someone to be in charge. The result of bad priest is a call to have a king. Hidden beneath the call for a king is also the desire to have someone "fight our battles".

While it can be both a privilege and a calling to fight the battle of others for them, it can also lead to apathy. When a society it entitled to have someone else be responsible for the justice they desire, they can set back and make demands without engaging in the fight.

As Christians we need to learn to fight from a position and behavior of love, but we can battle. Each one of us needs to take on the enemy ourselves. Each one of us is responsible to be a right revelation of God in the earth today. While the imagery of a never ending battle is not comforting to us, it is the reality that we live all our lives in. As I pointed out at the start of this, even int he priest hood, trouble can be brewing.

I guess we need a king. Or maybe we need a King of kings.

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