Thursday, January 21, 2010

The New You

One way that you can move on from being stuck in where you are now is through a better understanding of time. I think most of us need to improve our theology of time.
Do you have a work life, a home life, a church life, a private life? Well the first thing that I suggest you do is to unify your life and stop dividing yourself up. What if in dividing your life into different time compartments you are also dividing up who you are? What if one of the reasons you feel overcome by “not enough time” is the result of trying to live a divided life rather than a whole and unified life?
There are many ways to look at time, one of them is like a map. But if your life map is all about the time you spend doing different things you can look at that map and believe you are going nowhere and doing nothing. If that is you, here is a suggestion.
Stop focusing on what you do and in a real way, enter into the place of abiding in Jesus Christ the Lord. Enter into the Master and ruler of time and there ask for a revision of your vision. Ask Jesus to make your life whole, united. Now ask God to allow you to see that everything you do, everything is who I am. Ask God to reveal to you that your life mission is not a part of your life, it is all your life. I am saying that what you do with a part of your life (like ministry, family, job) or whatever is not your life. Your wondrous beauty is in all of who you are.
Going to work and healing the sick are the same thing if your life is aligned to God. In fact many people are trying to verify their life by doing some great things in the spirit while their main calling is to do great things a work. Because of the fall we often hate the very thing we ought to love. But that is for later.
There is a simple and complex beauty to life in God. 6 areas or arenas of living need to be integrated so that we live out our created purpose. Time, identity, community, skill, vision and transportation are all necessary ingredients to harmonize.

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