I made plans this summer to step out and lead an endeavor. These plans were good for me, they allowed me to exercise my creativity, comfort in being in charge and in control. I was going to have a chance to make things happen. But God….
God had some deeper plans for my summer. My plans would have been great, on the surface level. God’s plans are deeper, like a pit. Have you ever noticed when your in a pit you look up more? If you are not unaware of that reality you probably haven’t spent much time in a pit. Pits help you look up.
The day this “God tricked me” thing happened I was reading and praying through Col. 3:1-17. It’s a whole “look up” passage. We often can “look” with our thoughts.
From my years in construction I know that pits are foundational for building. If you don’t have good “pit people” your whole building can be off balance. Pits are also dirty. They are dirty both physically and emotionally. Few people enjoy the emotions of pits. Being a big guy, I tend to get squeezed in pits. Being put in a squeeze by God is another story though. “Lord, I’m OK with the pit – don’t put the squeeze on me unless you absolutely need to. I trust you Lord. Mostly.”
The pit I am called to (I am putting a Christian spin on God’s activity in my life this summer. I would have said the pit I am trapped in, but since I want to sound more spiritual I am saying “what I am called to”). Let me try again.
The pit I am trapped in, is the favor of God. Most people say God is favoring them when they get out of a pit. Yet the truth is, “getting out” only happens because you got in. So, “being put in the pit” is the favor, it simply is the kind of favor that takes time. (No spin here – honestly)
At times, or sometimes it takes days to rise out of the pit. Mostly it takes months and often it takes years. The whole “great tribulation” is only seven years, that is not that long of a pit. I have done seven years before. Coming out after the “great tribulation” will be very special. I wonder how many will learn to “look up” during those days? I suppose a few will be so depressed they will only look down. Sad! I am glad I have had some pit training. I ‘m gonna look up.
Did I tell you my pit? I’s helping others when I wanted to be the one who was going to do things and be helped. Yes. It’s like planning on cooking a great meal. You plan your menu, you think of how to do things to delight your guest. You consider your favorites and get this whole idea of doing something special. Then the time comes to prepare the meal and you are placed, not in the kitchen, but in the living room cleaning. You get to wash the dishes, clean the poach and get the heavy bowls and mixers down for the “real cooks”. The closest you get to preparing the food is running to the store so that they “other guys” can make something special. I know people like clean dishes, but no one has ever said, “these clean dishes are so special, thanks for having me over tonight”.
Can you see that a pit is a place where you are taken out of the picture, it is like a hole has opened up in the earth and you stepped into it. You dropped out of sight. You can be heard, maybe I’ll write on grumbling later.
So what can you learn in a pit.
- To look up
- Not to fret that people are looking down on you
- How much you love being seen
- How humbling, helping others is. It is an opportunity to be unseen and unheard (silence and solitude)
- You are removed from actions that relate to people pleasing. The guy in the pit doesn’t see the smiles and awes at the dinner table, he is washing the pots and pans. He is at least one step away from the praise of man that can steal away right living. Why do we call it “people pleasing” when the real motivation of our heart is to please ourselves?
Well I’m in my pit now. I think I wrote this note so that I could raise my hand above the ground, just a little and say, “Here I am”, “see me” (my hand). I had better be careful, I know pits can get deeper.