Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stuff to Come

Right now I am amazed at how long many, possible most, prophetic words take to come about.  It is like the “promise land” is just 30 days from here, but it takes us 40 years to be ready for it.  What is sad is that in our time, most people throw away a word in a year or two if not in a day or two.  I find it hard to find people who know their own history let alone the history of the people they live among.

I am also hearing reports of people trying to handle the things that are coming with the old failed strategies of the past – namely “control”.  When fear, the unknown or lawlessness start to rise many turn to a spirit of control (making more rules and regulations) to keep people in order.  At times you can see leaders selling out to make sure something appears to be safe and secure.  A lot of human energy is being released right now to bring about a sense of peace and “if you do what I say things are goanna be all right for you”. 


I want to share what I see.  There is not safe place on the earth.  All who desire safety and pace can enter into Jesus Christ, you can abide in Him – literally.  This abiding is an inside thing and cannot be controlled by anyone else.  You alone must be personally responsible to choose Christ and walk in His ways.  No discipleship class, no Bible study, no mentor can do it for you.  These can all help, or hurt, but in reality, you alone make the choice to indwell and be indwelt.

The person who is changed on the inside always, yes always, starts to change the world around them.  It may not be a change that is noticeable by many, but it is there.  It is not noticed by many because we tend to see what human energy and charisma are doing and tend to struggle to see the activity of God through another person.  We have “stage vision”.  We can see what people on a stage dramatize for us, but tend to miss the million acts of Christ like love displayed by common people ever day.  I know this is an endless theme with me.  Power to the people (the saints who live daily and do the will of God on the earth).

Right now I want to yell out (in full redneck fashion) stop killing your people.  Stop trying to help them if all you have is a spirit of control.  What we need is people who can help people live in freedom, not bondage.  Set people free to make wrong choices and you will give them the power to live rightly before God and walk into all tribulation with confidence.  Nothing is as good as having God lead us.  No structure can do what God alone does through the Holy Spirit.

Over the last two thousand years what has worked and not worked?  Beyond pragmatism, what is the way of the Lord?  While all of us have been caught in the tricky wisdom of God, how many of us have been controlled by God?  And since God is loving, which remembers not a wrong suffered, I don’t think God makes rules to keep us from hurting Him again.  We make a lot of rules to keep people from hurting people.  There is a huge difference between someone is prison (locked up to avoid bad behavior) and some who is free.  Judas was a friend of the Lord just like Peter, James and John.  He really was!  If you learn to love Judas, how much more will you love the rest of the gang?

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