Monday, May 16, 2011


The Lord instructed us that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. We know that all who seek Him, find Him. And also we are told to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to us.

Do you need to seek the Lord the right way? Will any kind of seeking suffice? Is there a right way? God is pleased with whatever we give Him, isn’t He?

Why bother much with human effort, does not God’s love for me negate all my effort? God loves me, even when I sin, so shy not just enjoy that love, why seek? Isn’t the age of Martha done, all that the Lord requires now is that we set at His feet, is that not true? Human striving and effort, even in seeking the Lord, is a reflection of man made rules.

Is there a mark or standard for finding Him? Is finding the Lord just an idea, a mental encounter? Do we each individually get to say when we have found the Lord or is it something that is revealed to us?

How often do I need to put God first to qualify to receive from Him? If the love of God cares for sinners and saints, why not enjoy His provision for all? Isn’t it religious to have different standards and rewards in Christianity? Are we not all His favorite? Are we not all receiving the same love and care? Are not all of God’s promises for all of His children?

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