Monday, November 13, 2006

The Good and the Bad

Have you ever had to do something you did not want to do? Have you ever had a season in your life when you had to do “the thing” you do not want to do every day? Here is my system of handling such things.

First of all you pray and spend time in worship. Then you….
· Laugh as much and as often as possible. Even if you don’t have something to laugh about just laugh and then laugh that you laughed at nothing.
· Go outside and try to hear the grass grow or the leaves fall to the ground. After doing this for about 10 min. you should have something to laugh about.
· Have a nice cup of coffee. Then spend a little time laughing over how a little coffee makes you feel better
· Get married and have your mate, in my case you wife, do it. Laugh, but not to loud. I’ll tell you why later.


Anonymous said...

If you really think that might help, you should be forwarned that, for future events, that the above of "What to do when you don't want to do what you need to do" is something possible only YOU can do... and then feel good about doing it.

Whitney said...

mom says you should take advantage of spell check. also i like your duck picture and your advice...however all that laughing and listening to the grass makes me think I wouldn't have time to do the thing I would not want to do....or maybe that is my problem? I like to do all the time and I decided what that doing is...something for me to think about.