Yesterday I went to the movie "Amazing Grace" with my family. I really enjoyed the movie, but felt a little uncomfortable with the resolve of the people. What kind of people live for a cause so long and with so much passion. I'm more of a head shot person.
Whitney sent me her head shots. She is beautiful, such a smile, such eyes. I took the time to look at each one, noticing the subtle differences of each picture. O, then to my surprise a second page, how nice. I checked out the second page, but not so intently. Then on to the third, and now a forth, a fifth, a tenth...!
I must admit now that I started to panic. How many of these pages of pictures are there? My loving and beautiful daughter was now becoming a "in your face" burden. Mom's probably don't feel like this. But I thought, "will these things never end".
Like in the movie, it takes special people to say with a thing till the end. If the battles we are fighting require years of service, keep the faith. I don't think I could have made it through the 329 head-shots of my daughter if I didn't love the cause. Yet I do think I know why they call them head-shots instead of close portraits. It comes from the early days of photography, out west when they still wore side irons (guns). By the time you got half way through the picture taking event the hunter/photographer/shooter was more aiming and looking. With a sweet smile in front of the camera and a steady aim of death behind the lens, each snap with accompanied with a silent "I got you"!
The Bible says the Lord is ever mindful of us. I wonder if He gets tired of looking at me? I bet if He wasn't God, he would sure want a day off. Before the beginning of time He knew me, and you. Endlessly He has dealt with us, looking at us, being aware of us. I think God's love and kindness is much more than I can comprehend. I mean I love my daughter but 40-50 pictures are quite fine. 329 are a bit testing of my love.
Tonight in the prayer room I may ask the Lord to take me off His mind, you know give Him a little break. I am sure I stress His Goodness by my head-shots. I know He loves me. I know He delights in me. I just don't know how He does it.
Maybe it is like Amazing Grace, God has the nature to see a thing through. Maybe God is going to see me through too. Do you think that there is every a whisper in heaven that sounds like..ready...aim...fire.
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