What is the worst thing that can happen to me? Have you ever thought of that question? I did recently. I was wondering what my life would be like if the very worst happened.
The worst for me would not be dying. If I was dead, then my problems would be over. The problems I call the worst are the ones that effect me living. It is pain, suffering, helplessness, fear and agony. If I was to think in my mind the very worst of times (that is, if I were to practice vain imagination) then I would still have the presence of Jesus. The other night as I lay in pain on the floor of the Boiler Room, I thought that I hurt so bad, yet Jesus is hear with me. God has promised me never to leave me. His presence, in all my painful situations, is light and life in my darkest hours. In fact, the more I am aware of Him the less I am aware of the pain, even when it is growing in strength.
"So What" you may say! "Isn't God only valuable if He can change your situation, to make your life better?" No, God is always able to make life better, yet that is not the only value He has to me. His presence makes life worth living (even in pain) simply because He is near. It may be hard to live, but it is worth living.
So how do we transcend out reality and enter into His reality? How do we walk by the Spirit? How do sit in the prisons of life and sing worship songs without the promise that we will escape? How do we face daily trials and temptations and keep a joy burning in us? The truth is that there are so many ways to accomplish this that I could not list them all. While we may only be able to think of one, that is simply not the reality of the situation. God has thousands of ways to transcend our grind and live in His grace.
Here are a few to try. But let me warn you that it takes skill to accomplish these well and you may need to practice for several years before you are skilled at be hidden in Christ through some of these methods. But what is a few years to friends? Remember you are not seeking to avoid your pain but to encounter and be filled with God.
1. Laughter
2. Random outburst of Joy and Gladness
3. Dancing (without a partner and without an audience)
4. Gazing at the clouds or stars
5. Eating very good ice cream in a very big bowl
If desire a more serious method you can try
1. Reading scripture in the original language
2. Quoting Creeds in Latin
3. Using the Bible Code Book to find good chess moves
4. Or making long lists of how unworthy you are to receive mercy and focusing on all your faults and weakness until you hear the Fathers voice telling you to get beyond your pride and enjoy His grace.
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