Growing, maturing and changing is one of the most difficult things we can do. This is partly because we tend to get stuck in "who we want to be" and in "who we have been in the past".
My vision of "who I want to be" conflicts with the vision of who God is calling me to be. God has better plans than I do, yet I keep dragging Him down to my limited (seeing through a glass darkly) vision. Even in the most basic things, like the love of God, I invert His love for some lesser image that I have in my own mind. I tend to make the love of God performance based because my "self-love" is performance based. So here is a short list of things I do that makes me lovable to myself.
1. Keep my mouth shut when I know the truth and the others do not.
2. Give until it hurts - literally.
3. Help those who I feel need help (even if they don't want my help).
4. Grumble and complain only as a form or wisdom or insight.
5. Show extravagant mercy on others and none on my self or visa-versa.
6. Make a significant different in the world every day, even if no one knows.
7. Eat right, fast right, exercise right, rest right, work right, sleep right, listen right, speak right, know right, do right, and avoid putting to much pressure on myself. (note the absence of "spelling right")
Hey Rod,
My name is Robert Pooley. My blog is at Your daughter Whitny has been coming to Coast where I pastor. She is a remarkable young lady. Looking forward to meeting you when you are down this way sometime.
Love these thoughts! I struggle with this so much. Life with God is such a process of new levels every day and the realization that only he knows and we don't. I love your honesty- it speaks to me!
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