How often would we be more if we only let ourselves?
One of the most difficult things to conquer is our own knowledge of ourselves. We each know all to well our faults, failures and mistakes. Even when things are going well, we tend to look for troubles. Usually our first response to most of the things we do is ask, "how did I do"? If people do not comment on what we did/do we usually comment ourselves and out right ask them.
Now here is a strange thing. God, who is perfect and powerful is the one most responsive to our need to be loved, our need to push back the fears we have. While we, and others like us, are to busy, to important, to pressured to waits out time helping others with their fears, God seems more than willing to spend time with us. Even if that time is more "ME" time than quality time, God seems to understand and except it.
So in some strange way the very being that we all should "fear" the most is the very being in whom we must actually work at fearing. Of all the stuff makes us feel insignificant, broken, a failure, the very being who should make us feel the most that way - doesn't. Strange world isn't it.
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