Saturday, May 9, 2009

Honor Mom

Loving and honoring Mom and Dad is one of the most natural things we should do, if we think about it. Not many of us, so far, can say we came to exist without a Mom. We had a person who gave up a part of their life so that we could have a life. What should be natural than loving that person?

I think we actually need to be trained to dis-honor our Moms. We need others to tell us that we are not loved, not cared for, not connected. Yes I know there are some cases where this is true. But for most of us we are loved, cared for and connected. It is one of the most natural things to do, love you Mom. Surely Mom's are like God, for they too first loved us.

I don't get to see my Mom much. But in my heart I long to have her deeply know that I love her. She is more than a mother to me, she is the source of my life on the earth. I mean I can account for all the biological requirements needed to have life, but Mom was the person who bore me, who carried and cared for me. This was not just biologically, it was also emotionally and spiritually.

So to all of us who have Moms. You gotta love em, literally, you gotta love them!!!!

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