Tuesday, November 10, 2009


When you ponder you life in Christ, do you see it through the lens of fulfilling your purpose? Do you look at your life in God and consider what God is telling you to do based on what you feel your calling is? If you do, isn’t that wrong?

What if you felt like you were to be a great leader of people, would you live content in a prison or in a servants position? What if you felt like you were to father numerous sons, would you be content in God with just one, maybe two? What if you were the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, would you allow people to crucify you if you could easily stop them?

When we abandon ourselves to God, it is not with the one reservation that we fulfill our calling. Our personal purpose in life is not a trump card to guarantee some deep sense of self. Even self on this level must be give to the Lord. Abandonment as I use it here is “lack of inhibition or self-restraint”. I am asking if you and I have no self-restraint toward the Lord, that we have give all.

If you whole relationship with God is based on your purpose and calling, than this is very difficult for you. But you ought to ask if you are the Lord’s or if you are using the Lord for your personal goals? We also need to be aware of when our relationship with God is based on us because we then tend to view others based on our objectives. We fail to see all that God is doing because we do not want to see all of it. We want to focus on “us”, our part, our purpose. Now while we can find a thousand reasons to do so, they all well prove to be weak if we first look as the instruction of scripture and the reality that God is not a respecter of persons. Everyone matters or else You do not matter.

It is not a matter of being able to trust God for your life or even for the lives of those around you It is a matter of totally trusting God no matter what you see or perceive. People passionate about Jesus beat up on other followers of Jesus all the time because “what they see” is not of fellowship with God. But the reality is they are trapped in the small world of their own vision, unable to abandon themselves to the King, they Judge and the Rule of all humanity. But this is not about them, it is about me, you.

Why do we need to see the world and God through our eyes?
Is there only a limited about of wisdom and revelation (vision) in God?
Is the renewal of our mind so that we can be a better self or is it for Christ like transformation?
Is there more joy and peace living abandoned to God than in living for God as a person enslaved by my own calling and purpose.

I know some will argue that you cannot escape functioning out of your own calling and purpose, that we are made that way, but I believe all those arguments are based on natural logic. Jesus, our example was ever mindful and obedient to the Father. His view was of doing the will of the Father and in that vision He lived and accomplished His purpose. We too have this ability because of the one who indwells in us. We can be God focused and not miss any of our purpose, even when we may be unaware of our fulfillment of it. Greater is He who is in us that he who is in my own mind.

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