Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Build Your Own Platform

What you build with your life, by your living, is your platform. It is the thing on which you stand and address others. If you find that life gives you no place to stand, then see if your feet are entangled among broken relationships, failed loyalties to others and rejection of others as you focus on self.

For most of us our platform is intimate, they are small. This is as it should be. If we did not feel pressured by greed and comparison we would live most of our lives in joy and delight about doing out part for the Master. We would grow deep in community with those friends we have and feel no insecurity or competition. Our expansion or development would be driven by the Master's compelling and not so much by the human thoughts of “ought”, “should” and “must”.

Because of human ingenuity and ambition a person can have the power to speak into the lives of others when they truly should not be allowed to. Is not most of TV, advertising and movies about this? Yet even in this arena people are coming who will have paid the price to speak. Even in the pulpits of America people can stand and proclaim the way of the Lord and not be known for who they truly are. Accountability, integrity, truly knowing those who minister among us are rare as we “stage our lives” in worldly fashion.

The story of the Bible is the story of how each relationship, in the context of God’s will, is seeking to give to us and draw from us His divine nature. For each person who is seeking to follow God or live righteously, He is leading them on the right path. Whenever we look to God we are secure in this. Whenever we look to the world or at others in comparison, we feel insecure and isolated.

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