Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Living Sacrifice

Every day millions of people give large portions of their life for others. Mom’s are most notable for this, but our list of awareness should also include Dads, brothers and sisters. It is one of the most common basic Christian events, that part of the family of God lives for the other parts. Each day in the body of Christ someone is cared for, fed, clothed and even given gifts; all because of the loving sacrifices of others. With all the negative media in our world you would tend to think that this is rare, when in fact it is quite common.

I am thankful to God for the millions within His body that love others in a sacrificial way. But I also want to be loving toward them. Even with all their sacrifices there is still needs in our world. Even those who generously give and live find the reality of needs beyond supply. Right now in Africa, in South America and in our own streets are endless needs. The one who must bear the weight of this burden of humanity is the Lord. As we each do our part, we must depend more on the Lord than our efforts and programs. I say this because one of the tactics of the enemy is to wear out the body of Christ. If the evil one can offend and discourage the ongoing living sacrifices of a thousand souls, just think of the harm it occurred in our land.

The best way to stay encouraged is to have hope. In the case of giving to meet needs, our hope is in the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. We all give our lives to Him and trust and hope in the Lord to care for all. This is not escapism, but real faith in a living God. Keep on doing your part and do not become discouraged by what you perceive is not getting done. Rejoice in the Lord, for He is able to make a way when our resources have come to an end.

Our personal obedience to the Lord is more crucial than the amount we give.

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