Monday, November 15, 2010

Everyone Counts

Everyday people live their lives.  Everyday they matter.  I know that there are a lot of teachers and motivators who want to make you believe that you only matter if you do great stuff, but that is not true.

The person who helps others is just as vital as the one who has reached the highest levels of status in life.  Christ Jesus taught us that 12 friends are enough to change the world.  In fact 11 friends and a few enemies are enough. 

I often tell people that Christianity will be a success when each one of us touches 12 others throughout the course of our lives.  These touches are most often through love, kindness and hope.  Many do much more, some do less.


Today, tomorrow, as you live your life, do your job, go to school; don’t listen to the accusations of Satan and the priorities of the world.  Don’t spend your life pondering and re-pondering your worth.  Allow the Holy Spirit to convict you of any short comings and don’t try to play God.



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