Monday, November 29, 2010

If God Cares

I was reading Ps 72 and ponding the reality of God caring.  So I took a few seconds and jotted down all the things God does because He cares for us.  If you can think of some, add them to the list.

  1. Makes intercession for us
  2. Rules history with justice and righteousness (fairday is coming)
  3. Gives gifts to people (leaders, servants, friends)
  4. Answers prayer
  5. Convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment (I thought I had to do this but I don’t)
  6. Speaks through Scripture
  7. Calls us to love – care- share one with another
  8. Calls us to disciple the nations (change the whole earth)
  9. Gives us focus for life (eternity, Jesus, things above)
  10. Provides hope and encouragement
  11. Cleanses our conscience ( I think the idea of conscience from Greek culture is “a remembrance of your past”.  I love that my recall gets cleaned up.
  12. He supernaturally intervenes
  13. God renews our minds
  14. The Holy Spirit guides us, directs us
  15. The Holy Spirit comforts us
  16. Jesus provides a way to escape being controlled by sin and evil (freedom)
  17. God gives revelation (insight, understanding)
  18. God gives wisdom (when and how to do the right thing)
  19. We have the Holy Spirit, God’s very spirit in us, with us
  20. Jesus came and did all that God would do.  Jesus – the very image of God reveal to us who God is so that we can have a relationship with God – not just with our idea of God.

Well, that’s my quick list.

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