Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If I asked you to explain the “idea of loving God” what would you say?

This is a much harder question than it may appear. For in describing to you what the “idea” of loving God is, I would be telling you my idea. As much as I have matured and grown in the truth of God my idea should be right. But in every area where I am weak, so is my idea.
It is our “idea” of loving God that gets us into some trouble. The more serious we are, the more this seems to be true. Like the Pharisees in the New Testament who studied and lived for the coming Messiah, they missed Him because He did not come in a form or “idea” that they thought He would.
This same problem of “God not doing something in a way we think He will” affects our expectant or rejection of revival, healing, spiritual gifts and loving Him.
Because God made you, not just randomly but specifically, you are actually made to have a unique relationship with God. As you hear the patterns, boundaries and principles through the Word of God you give them flesh as you and God develop an authentic relationship.
So in loving God we do start with some idea, but as we mature that idea is transformed in us by God who is making us into the ones He loves to love.

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