Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Stuff of Life

In the last few weeks I have been overwhelmed with the love of God and the love of others. Since I know, all to well, that I do not deserve any good thing, all the great stuff I am given on a daily basis is very pleasing. In this fast paste world of needing more and more each day, it is easy to not see all the ways I are loved. While I can stand for hours singing that the Lord is the air I breath, I can also breath all day long and each breath seems to be filled with stress, anxiety, fear, worry and busyness.

But the practice of living each moment aware of God is a life infilling discipline. It is wonderful how practicing the presence of the Lord is more than an idea. In all the days ahead I long to abandon the life of living on my own and freely receive the never ending love of God for me. To do this we each must humble the daily rush of life and moment by moment allow our heart to behold the one who loves us.

Yesterday was a hard day in the Kingdom of God. Brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world suffered harm and death. Many who had very little in this world, had the little that they did have removed from them. Yet in the darkness a great light shines. On the earth today are great saints, simple human beings who have been transformed from the bondage's of this world into burning examples of light, life and glory. Covered with gas and burned, shot in the head, beaten in prison, tortured for Christ, and those who live in the most prosperous cities in the world yet do not bow their knee to greed, materilism or sinful pleasures: all these live to enjoy God. Thanks God for such a family!

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